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Fall 2024 Class Schedule


Course Title Instructor Time Topic
101-1-22 Beginning German Meuser MWF 9:30AM-10:40AM
101-1-23 Beginning German Ryder MWF 11:00AM-12:10PM
101-1-25 Beginning German Melovska MWF 12:30PM-1:40PM
101-1-26 Beginning German Gordon MWF 3:30PM-4:40PM
102-1-20 Intermediate German Kerlova  MWF 9:30AM-10:40AM
102-1-21 Intermediate German DeSocio  MWF 11:00AM-12:10PM
102-1-22 Intermediate German Meuser MWF 12:30PM-1:40PM
102-1-23 Intermediate German Zeller MWF 3:30PM- 4:40PM
104-7 College Seminar DeSocio MWF 9:00AM-9:50AM  (College Seminar)

Focus Writing

Zeller MWF 2:00PM-2:50PM

German in the Business World

Ryder MWF 1:00PM-1:50PM
230-0 Berlin and the Culture of Democracy Parkinson

TTh 2:00PM-3:20PM


(Comp-Lit 270-0-1)

Kafka and Nietzsche Fenves TTh 12:30PM-1:50PM



Special Topics in German Literature and Culture Staff TTH 9:50AM-10:50AM



(Jwsh_St 266-0-1 and Comp-Lit 270-0-1)

Introduction to Yiddish Culture: Images of the Shtetl

Moseley TTH 3:30PM- 4:50PM

Speaking as Discovery

Lys TTH 2:00PM- 3:20PM

German Contributions to World Literature

Fenves TTH 3:30PM- 4:50PM

Topics in German Literature and Culture

Staff MW 11:00AM-12:20PM
403-0 German Literature and Critical Thought, 1900-1945 Parkinson

TH 4:00PM- 6:50PM


408-0 Critical Theory and Religion Müller-Schöll

W 3:00PM-5:50PM

431-0 Contemporary German Literature Weber M 1:00PM- 3:50PM



Fall 2023 course descriptions

GER 101-1,2,3 : Beginning German 

The Beginning German sequence offers students a systematic introduction to German language and culture emphasizing the four modalities: speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing. The first quarter (101-1) offers a systematic review of basic German words, phrases with a cultural focus on Germany, an introduction of simple grammar items, and short interview practice at the end of the quarter. The second quarter (101-2) includes a variety of writing assignments, cultural presentations, reading poems by Goethe, the visit of a Mystery Guest, as well as intensive work with the strong and irregular verbs. In the third quarter (101-3), students will read and discuss short stories and plays by Grimm, Brecht and Kafka! The highlight will be an in-class skit performance which culminates in the almost famous *Evening O' Skits* featuring the best student selected skits from first and second-year German.
Prerequisite in German for 101-1: None or one year of high-school German.
Prerequisite in German for 101-2: 101-1 or placement exam results.
Prerequisite in German for 101-3: 101-2 or placement exam results.

GER 102- 1,2,3 : Intermediate German

The three-quarter Intermediate German sequence has several major goals. While students continue to develop proficiency in German language skills, they employ a variety of materials in the spoken and written word. They also gain insight into Germany and its place in Europe in the past and today. Since history is a critical part of German identity, our examination of German society includes study of the Weimar democratic republic, the Nazi regime, and divided and reunified Germany. By the end of the academic year, students will be able to handle a variety of communicative tasks in straightforward social situations, including predictable and concrete exchanges necessary for functioning abroad. We are working with the new Impulse Deutsch 2 printed textbook (Machen) and online workbook (Lernen + Zeigen). We will also continue to work with a variety of original materials, including music, literature, and films.
Prerequisite in German for 102-1: 101-3 or placement exam results
Prerequisite in German for 102-2: 102-1 or placement exam results.
Prerequisite in German for 102-3: 102-2 or placement exam results.

GER 104-7 : First Year Seminar -  (College Seminar) 

As a College Seminar, the course will introduce you to college life and the essential, but mostly unwritten, rules, expectations, resources, and habits for you to succeed as a student. This “hidden curriculum” will include topics such as time management, emotional health, academic integrity and the mechanics of citation, and how to seek help. Our assignments will include a variety of small, weekly writing assignments and short summative, comparative, and analytic essays to begin your familiarization with college writing.

German 205-0 – Focus Writing - 

This course is designed especially for students who wish to improve their writing skills in order to become independent, confident and proficient writers of German. The thematic basis for the course is the city of Berlin and the personalities, places, historical events, cultural trends, and visions that have shaped it during the 20th and are shaping it during the 21st Century. Course materials will include current texts from newspapers and magazines, fictional works by German-speaking authors, as well as feature films, episodes of a German telenovela, music, and videos. Students will learn to analyze and to produce portraits of people and places, narratives, and film reviews. Grammar topics relevant for each unit will be reviewed thoroughly and integrated in context.

Prerequisite in German: German 102-3.

German 209-0 – German in the Business World

In this course, students will acquire basic business-related German language skills and attain a cross-cultural perspective on German and American business practices. The emphasis will be on communicative situations such as oral and written social interactions with customers, sales dialogues, business travel, basic formats of business letters and internship applications. The course is taught entirely in German and emphasizes developing cultural knowledge and German language skills to prepare students for basic professional activities in and with German-speaking countries.

Prerequisite in German: One 200-level course in German or permission of the DUS.  


German 230-0 – Berlin and the Culture of Democracy

This class aims to introduce students to the history and culture of Berlin from 1900 to the present. Drawing on a wide range of media, from maps through film to music, the class concentrates on a series of transformative moments in German cultural history seen through the prism of Berlin. Students will engage with the varied historical, socio-political, and artistic changes in German culture throughout the twentieth century, including the vibrant and provocative culture of the 1920s and early 1930s, with a focus on changing forms of gender identity (the “New Woman”) and sexual subcultures (as in the film Cabaret). Further, students will examine the everyday and extraordinary history of German-Jews in Germany around the devastating caesura of the Jewish genocide executed by the National Socialists. After examining the megalomaniacal plans that the Nazis made for Berlin, the class turns to the devastated city of 1945 and the divided city of the Cold War, where the conflict between “East” and “West” emerges in the “concrete” form of the Berlin Wall. Further topics include the events surrounding the collapse of the Wall and the creation of the Berlin Republic, the changing face of national culture in light of the migration of the so-called Turkish “guest workers” of the post-War years, particularly through the art of later generations of Turkish-German authors and filmmakers in Berlin.
Prerequisites: None.
Prerequisite: none.

Historical Studies Distro Area

Interdisciplinary Distro

Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

German 236-0 – Kafka and Nietzsche

This course takes its point of departure from two sayings: “there are no facts, only interpretations” (Nietzsche), and “Only here is suffering suffering” (Kafka). It explores the relationship between suffering and interpretation. For Nietzsche, the interpretation of suffering – real or imagined – is not only the origin of all moral and legal categories but also the source of philosophical speculation. For many of the characters that inhabit Kafka’s fictions, suffering – real or imagined – generates interminable interpretations, and the interminability of interpretation is itself the source of intensified suffering. Beginning with, and continually returning to, Kafka’s very short story, “The New Advocate,” which is about Alexander the Great’s horse, who has lowered his ambitions and thus become a lawyer, the course considers the question: what is greatness? In the first part of the course we pursue this question in the context of certain sections from Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra and from his Toward the Genealogy of Morals. In the second, we turn to a series of Kafka stories, aphorisms, and his great unfinished novel, The Castle.
Prerequisites: None.
Ethics Values Distro Area

Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules

Literature Fine Arts Distro Area


German 246-0 – Special Topics in German Literature and Culture - 

Courses taught under this heading may address various topics at the intersection of German literature, culture, and history, including Beer and Brewing in Germany and Chicago. Did you know that the first riot in Chicago was due to Germans gathering to drink beer and discuss politics? Do you know the one very important ingredient missing in the original German Reinheitsgebot (purity law) of 1516? This course provides an overview of many different historical and practical aspects of beer and brewing in German-speaking culture. We will read fictional and philosophical interpretations of beer and its cultural impact, explore the rich history of German beer making in Chicago from the 1850s to today, and learn about the science of brewing and different brewing techniques used by German brew-masters. A tasting of non-alcoholic malted beverages will be included, as well as a tour of a local Chicago brewery. Please consult Caesar for current topic. German 246 may be repeated for credit with different topics.
Prerequisites: None.
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

German 266-0 – Introduction to Yiddish Culture: Images of the Shtetl

In collective memory the shtetl (small Jewish town) has become enshrined as the symbolic space of close-knit, Jewish community in Eastern Europe; it is against the backdrop of this idealized shtetl that the international blockbuster Fiddler on the Roof is enacted. This seminar explores the spectrum of representations of the shtetl in Yiddish literature from the nineteenth century to the post-Holocaust period. The discussion will also focus on artistic and photographic depictions of the shtetl: Chagall and Roman Vishniac in particular. The course will include a screening of Fiddler on the Roof followed by a discussion of this film based upon a comparison with the text upon which it is based, “Tevye the Milkman.”
Prerequisites: None.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

German 303-0 – Speaking as Discovery

This course is designed to help students improve their listening comprehension and speaking skills to become creative, independent, and sophisticated users of spoken German. The content focuses on exploring standpoints, developing arguments, and expressing points of view using a variety of media such as authentic material from the German press, German television, news broadcasts, documentaries and film excerpts for interpretive activities and discussions. The class discussion is tailored to students’ interests and needs.

Prerequisite in German: Two 200-level courses in German or permission of the DUS.

Advanced Expression

Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity


German 322-0 - German Contributions to World Literature 

Topics vary-for example, Rilke's poetry; Nietzsche's influence on literature; Thomas Mann; Hesse, the German novel, and the mystic tradition; German intellectual history. Prerequisite: None. May be repeated for credit with different topic.

Literature Fine Arts Distro Area


German 345-0 Topics in German Literature and Culture 

In-depth study of topics in German literature and/or pivotal periods in German culture. Prerequisite: Three 200-level courses in German (at least one in literature). May be repeated for credit with different topic.

Advanced Expression

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

GERMAN 403 – German Literature, Critical Thought, and New Media, 1900-45 (1)

Built around selected key texts on the aesthetic theories of modernism (e.g., by Nietzsche, Adorno, Bürger, and Kittler), this course explores the relationship of literature and the visual arts and scrutinizes the status of literature within aesthetic production in modernity. Particular attention to works by Rilke, Kafka, Brecht, Lasker-Schüler, Benn, Musil, and Mann.

German 408 – Critical Theory and Religion

This course explores the central place the concept of “religion” has occupied in the development of critical theory and, in turn, the role critical theory has played in reframing “religion” in modernity and in the contemporary geopolitical moment. We take up the question, “Is critique secular,” as we consider the contributions, potential and actual, of “religion” to social transformation.


German 431 – Contemporary German Literature (1)

Readings from authors representative of literature in the former East and West Germany’s. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

Sample Classes:

  • Essential Readings in Modern Jewish Culture
  • Rise and Fall of Modern Yiddish Culture


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